<p>Helen Peto Reilly and Irene Epple Dishko were interviewed by me, Eleanor Usi Frank. Helen and Ire…

Megosztott jegyzet <p>Helen Peto Reilly and Irene Epple Dishko were interviewed by me, Eleanor Usi Frank. Helen and Irene are half-sisters. I am Helen's granddaughter. Here is what they said about Zoltan:</p> wanted to come to America so Anna Nemeth Epple was contacted and she agreed to sponsor him. At age 26, he arrived on April 23, 1924 in NY on the "Mongolia." At the time Anna Epple and her husband were living at 393 21st St, Irvington, NJ. He arrived with an Engineering diploma from "Technical School" in Budapest, Hungary. Anna's daughter, Irene, remembered sitting on Zoltan's lap and teaching him some simple English words and that when he went looking for work he would wear white gloves as was customary in Hungary. This made an impression on her as she never saw anybody in America wearing white gloves for work.</p>work and moved into his own place.</p>tan and his wife would visit the Epple family and Irene remembered sometimes visiting them at their home in New Jersey.</p>e bakery after Zoltan and his wife got to the Epple house, now at 12 Coolidge St, Irvington, NJ. One day just Zoltan and Helen were left at home, sitting in the living room. Helen was reading and sitting on the other side of the room from Zoltan who asked why she was sitting so far away, and won't she come sit next to him, which she did. She remembered she was wearing a dress with a lot of buttons down the front when all of a sudden he reached over and tried to unbutton her dress. At that point she ran away from him.</p>repared to go to the bakery, Helen pleaded to her mother not to leave her home alone with Zoltan. This made Anna suspicious and she quizzed Helen to no end until she confessed what had happened. Anna then blew up at Zoltan and blurt out something to the effect that he was just like his father who had tried the same thing with Anna back in Hungary.</p> again. When Anna died he was informed and came to the funeral. After that the Epple family never saw him again.&nbsp; &nbsp;</p>
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